Thanks ladies!
Mommy and Matthew......he finally lets out a big howler to get his lungs going. What a glorious sound when you know they're breathing! This was truly one of the only big screams he let out! He's a pretty content little guy. Phew! Mommy made it through the delivery.

Smiles all around:)
Where am I? What's going on? Who are you strange people? Where's the party?
"What a very lucky boy!" exclaimed Dr. Hardiman. When Matthew was born he came out with the cord showing a big, but loose knot! Wow! Another miracle in this birth story:) Thank you! Our prayers were answered in so many ways!!!!!!!!

YAY!!!!! I have been waiting for this post! Matthew Ryan is a perfect name. He is so precious! I'm so glad you are both healthy and that everything went smoothly.
Oh...BTW if you google "windows live writer" you can download a free program that makes blogging way easier! You still use your blogger account, you just write your blog and post your pics through the windows live writer program. E-mail me or call me, I'll walk you through it. It saves so much time! Love you!
Congrats, you guys! SOOO exciting. Glad everything went OK. How scary to see the big knot in the cord!
Félicitations !!! Bienvenue dans le monde Matthew....
I am so happy for you... And I hope one day to be able to meet all of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers :)
Congratulations! We finally have a baby boy in the family. Can't wait to see him in person.
He is a doll Jennifer! Congrats, congrats, congrats on your baby boy!
Congrats! I am Scheris Schuring, your dad is my mom's cousin (from Rawls side) or second cousin. I am in the same stake at your parents here in WA. I see them from time to time and your mom told me to check out your blog and say hi. I added you to our list of blogs that we enjoy reading. Take care and i look forward to getting to know you on here. Scheris
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