Sorry I haven't been blogging but it's been a crazy summer and now it's finally settling down a bit.
So much has happened! We moved to North Salt Lake, UT to our new home, Ryan started his new job and had a birthday, the girls started first/third grade, Matthew turned 1, and we are somewhat functional and stable;) I'll just post some pics and do more later. We feel so blessed and happy! Thanks for everyone's prayers and support!

Our family on a nice afternoon on Temple Square after the Music and the Spoken Word broadcast. Ryan's second official broadcast conducting one of the songs. He did awesome! We're so proud of him!

Here's a picture of us in the Tabernacle in front of the organ. Ryan's new office is underneath the tabernacle which is pretty cool.

Ryan's thirty-something birthday! The girls designed the cake and I helped them decorate it. It was a fun! We love you daddy! You don't look a day over 25;)

Hailey with her new third grade teacher Mrs. Kidd at their new school Orchard Elementary. They were a bit nervous but mostly excited and have adjusted well to life at a new school.

Megan with her new first grade teacher Mrs. Deaton on her first day of school. She was so excited! Hailey and Megan both have great teachers!

Matthew turns 1 year old! We celebrated with some our friends Abbie and Tyler! I can't believe it's been a year already! He's such a great kid and I can't wait to see what his future will hold. He's finally crawling "normal", pulling himself to standing, climbing the stairs, and has 7 teeth. He loves music, chasing his sisters in his walker, getting tickled, and laughing when I say "no". An all around good natured soul!